What to Do with Used Sharps in California

California residents must take sealed containers of used sharps to a drop-off site or arrange a mail-back service. Please check this page for disposal drop-off programs in your area. If there is no program near you, contact your local health department or solid waste department.

Step 1 — Put used sharps in a strong, plastic container.

Put used sharps in a strong, plastic container.

Have a needle clipper? When the needle clipper is full, it can be disposed of according to your state or local regulations. More information can be found here.

Step 2 — Use the Zip Code search at the top of this page to locate container  disposal options near you.

Step 3 — Never throw used sharps - loose or in a plastic container - into the trash or toilet, and never recycle.

Sharps that retract after use, or are very small, should be disposed of like all other sharps.

Most counties in California have disposal programs. Call the program to confirm if there are any container requirements, disposal fees or residency restrictions. Residents may also be eligible for free sharps containers and mail-back services through The Drug Takeback Solutions Foundation and MED-Project. Other programs may be offered by the pharmaceutical companies. Please contact the programs for more information.

See disposal locations

State Data Last Modified: 09/24/2024