Download Educational Materials

Container Options
for Used Sharps
Place this poster on FDA-cleared containers and strong, plastic container options anywhere people will be obtaining, using, or disposing of sharps.

Used Sharps Disposal
Place this poster on what to do with used sharps anywhere people will be obtaining, using, or disposing of sharps.

Used Sharps Disposal
Rack Card
Offer this rack card on what to do with used sharps anywhere people will be obtaining, using, or disposing of sharps.

Sharps Brochure
Download and print this brochure on what to do with sharps anywhere people will be obtaining, using, or disposing of sharps.

Sharps Fact Sheet
Offer this handout anywhere people will be obtaining, using, or disposing of sharps.

Sharps FAQs
Offer this handout anywhere people will be obtaining, using, or disposing of sharps.

Social Media Material
Use the suggested Facebook and Twitter posts for any social media outreach to people who will be obtaining, using, or disposing of sharps.

Sharps Video
Check out our new video resource to learn about safe sharps disposal.