What to Do with Used Sharps in Connecticut

Put used sharps in a strong, plastic container

Put used sharps in a strong, plastic container.

Have a needle clipper? When the needle clipper is full, it can be disposed of according to your state or local regulations. More information can be found here.

Put the plastic container in the household trash - don't recycle!

Put the plastic container in the household trash - don't recycle!

If a trash collector is reluctant to collect a red sharps container, refer them to your state waste agency.

Sharps should never be thrown loosely into the trash or toilet

Sharps that retract after use, or are very small, should be disposed of like all other sharps.

At this time, SafeNeedleDisposal.org knows of no known community-sponsored sharps disposal programs in the state of Connecticut.

See disposal locations

State Data Last Modified: 04/06/2020