Notes: Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm.
Free for residents of Glendale Heights. For non-residents, there is a cash disposal charge per container. Hardships will be considered on a case by case basis.
Enter through main door off of Fullerton Ave. and inform staff that you need to dispose of a sharps container. Containers will only be accepted during business hours.
Please follow these instructions for safe disposal of needles: Use a puncture-proof container which can be purchased at pharmacies. Alternatively hard plastic household containers which should be unbreakable and puncture resistant are acceptable, may be used. We recommend a laundry detergent bottle. No milk jugs or coffee cans. Sharps should be placed in the sharps container immediately after use. Put sharps in point-first. Store sharps in closed container with the cap screwed on until disposal. Containers more than half-full should be disposed of. Do not cram them full. Clearly label container "SHARPS-DO NOT RECYCLE" with a bold marker. When the container is half full, tape lid on securely with duct tape and bring to the fire station.